I was humbled to be invited to Richard Parrish and Steve Klein's Breath Residency in September 2021. The location was Pilchuck Glass School and the serene campus. Truly an incredible experience to further the artistic journey with rich experiences.
I was not sure up until the last minute that all the planets would align for me to go. Yet they did and I am truly grateful.
If I could encourage any artist to take the time for an extended residency. I will always tell you, go..... Find a way to go!!
I did not touch glass for the first few days and wow that was just amazing to relinquish the need to be doing and making. I spent some time walking, sitting on the dock of the pond, made friends with a cat named Boots. Really I just soaked up the place and timing of this event.
Take a Breath
Take that Moment
Take another cup sip of coffee
Take a smile and laugh
"Breath" has a lot of meaning to me and I have a good start on a new body of work and I will be taking the time to create from the heart once again. Looking forward to embracing my good friends and good times again soon. “Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts. Whenever your mind becomes scattered, use your breath as the means to take hold of your mind again.”
— Thich Nhat Hanh