"Nucleus Dreams"
This is the beginnings of a body of work that speaks to our personal desires in life. What dreams we have for our selves and for our families.
These said dreams are so engrained into our psyches that they are almost Cellular. Any opposition or challenging of these dreams can be binding and limiting to our relationships.
Looking at how our beliefs in these dreams can hold us captive or have us rise to our better selves.
Here are a few amazing quotes from Judy Tuwaletstiwa book "Glass".
"Images flow amorphously through our thoughts every day, through our dreams every night: they float out of us and into us. "
-Judy Tuwaletstiwa
"A dream is a wise part of yourself you are usually not aware of, trying to tell you something in a language that is different from the one you usually use."
-Anya Seton, 10 years old
I will share more of my process as I move forward.
Thank you for looking in on my art and my voice.