Here is the story.
I just reconnected with a longtime friend from over 20 years ago. She and I have always had amazing brainstorming conversations. She reached out to me to come pick up a glass crate that my glass shipments come in.
I asked what she was going to use it for?
She said that she has been working with “youth in foster care age out of the system, get a job and get their first apartment - they usually have close to nothing to furnish it with - I felt like that would be so hard to work and come home to an empty home and feel like you were succeeding. They have no family to help them. I am lucky enough to get to furnish their apartment. So - I refurbish furniture etc for their apartments. I will probably use the boards off the crate for a table top or something.”
This is close to my heart I did not have much when I made it out of high school and also helped pay for my Mom’s mortgage payment while in high school.
I would like to assist Jan by giving my passion of art back to the community. As well my belief that art is for everyone.
How I would like to accomplish this is to get funding for frames for my art. I have many works that did not make the cut, still beautiful and need a home. Once framed these pieces can add to welcoming home these young persons who greatly need it.
Until I am able to get a grant to fund this project, donations are also welcome. You will receive 5% off of my shop when you donate.
We have our first small GOAL! Still many to go.....